The food culture as intentionality, that transversaliza research in the Observatory of Food Security and Nutrition of the National University of Colombia


  • Fabián Gilberto Ardila
  • Sara Eloísa Del Castillo Matamoros



The food culture as intentionality, that transversaliza research in the Observatory of Food Security and Nutrition of the National University of Colombia


From a food perspective it is of significant use to value culture and its elements, for it is a social, psychological, economical symbolical, religious and cultural phenomenon. Considering that mores, habits, and feeding practices are an integral part of a whole culture; food culture must be perceived as a transcendental phenomenon that sets identities, traditions, life stories, ways of being, thinking, resisting and socializing. For all these reasons the observatory of food security and nutrition of the National University of Colombia has moved forward to permanently look at the relationship between food and culture, through the development of analytical and conceptual perspectives, the formulation and analysis of public policies in food security and nutrition, efforts for the recovery of ancestral knowledge of food,  and the analysis of the approaches of measurements of food security and nutrition and food sovereignty.  All these in order to position culture as one of the directing principles of policies   which must be reflected in the territorial plans for food security and nutrition for the achievement of the rights and public actions.

Author Biographies

Fabián Gilberto Ardila

Antropólogo, Candidato a Magister en Políticas Públicas. Profesor Adjunto de Antropología Alimentaria Departamento de Nutrición Humana. Investigador OBSAN Coordinador Semillero de Medición no Convencional de la SAN

Sara Eloísa Del Castillo Matamoros

Nutricionista, Licenciada en Educación. Magister en Desarrollo Social, PhD en Ciencias Sociales. Profesora de Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición Pública, Coordinadora OBSAN-UN y Directora Maestría en Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional.



How to Cite

Ardila FG, Matamoros SEDC. The food culture as intentionality, that transversaliza research in the Observatory of Food Security and Nutrition of the National University of Colombia. Rev. Alim. Cult. Amer [Internet]. 2019 Jan. 30 [cited 2025 Feb. 1];1(1). Available from:


