Venezuelan food culture: criolla culinary and the association with data from the encuesta nacional de presupuestos familiares 2008-2009


  • Isabella Moura Brazil Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
  • Filipe Pessoa dos Santos Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
  • Camila Pinheiro Coura Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
  • Daniela Alves Minuzzo Federal University of Rio de Janeiro



Criolla culinary; Venezuela; Food consumption; Arepa


In order to deepen knowledge about Latin American food culture, through the investigation of Venezuelan food culture, the term "criolla culinary" contributes in this work as a starting point for the identification of the main traditional preparations of the country. From this in-depth survey, the research aimed to associate such typical dishes with the most consumed ingredients and preparations currently in Venezuela through the data on food consumption provided by the IV National Survey of Family Budgets (ENPF) 2008-2009. It was verified that the typical dishes of the criolla culinary are among the most consumed preparations of the country, however, their presence was restricted to some dishes. The arepa has stood out as a typical dish of the most consumed criolla culinary, present, even today, in all Venezuelan meals. We founded only five of the ten preparations selected as the main criolla recipes in the consumption reports provided by the IV ENPF, being restricted to some meals. It is concluded that the preservation of criolla culinary in everyday life in Venezuelan was not marked according to the proportion of meals and the totality of selected recipes, having been identified only: arepa, a hallaca, empanadas, pabellón and crema de caraotas negras.

Author Biographies

Isabella Moura Brazil, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Degree in Gastronomy by the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2016). Acts in the area of food and beverage management in the restaurant market of the city of Rio de Janeiro.

Filipe Pessoa dos Santos, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Bachelor's degree in Gastronomy from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2016) and currently integrating at a Master student level in the Post Graduate Program in Science and Health Education, from the NUTES Institute of Science and Health Education of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.

Camila Pinheiro Coura, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Degree in Psychology from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) (2006), degree in Gastronomy from Universidade Estácio de Sá (2007) and a Master's degree in Nutrition from UFRJ (2013). Currently is a PhD student in the Post Graduate Program of the Josué de Castro Nutrition Institute (INJC) at UFRJ, and has been assistant teacher of the Gastronomy Course at INJC - UFRJ for five years in the International Cuisine area, teaching the disciplines of French Cuisine and Cuisine of the Americas. Has experience in the area of Gastronomy with an emphasis on International Cuisine.

Daniela Alves Minuzzo, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Master's degree in Food Science from the Chemistry Institute of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2018), Bachelor of Nutrition from Arthur Sá Earp Neto College (2015) and graduated in Gastronomy from Universidade Estácio de Sá (2009). For five years, has been Assistant Professor of International Cuisine at the Gastronomy Course of the Josué de Castro Nutrition Institute (INJC) at UFRJ, teaching courses in Culinary of the Americas, French Cuisine and Vegetarian Food. Has experience in food production for collective feeding, teaching and research in food and bioactivity.



How to Cite

Brazil IM, dos Santos FP, Coura CP, Minuzzo DA. Venezuelan food culture: criolla culinary and the association with data from the encuesta nacional de presupuestos familiares 2008-2009. Rev. Alim. Cult. Amer [Internet]. 2020 Jun. 25 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];2(1):21-43. Available from:


