This study aims to understand how health professionals mean obesity in their bodies. The narratives were obtained from a minimum script of questions about obesity allowing to deepen the theme in the view of obese and nonobese health workers working in a public health institution in Salvador, Bahia. Hans-George Gadamer's hermeneutic-dialectical thinking had inspired the analysis of narratives in an attempt to understand and interpret obesity guided by the phenomenological perspective. The study reveals frustrated experiences of weight loss whose suffering is intensified by the feeling of weakness to take care of themselves, the weight of the disapproving look of the other, also a healthcare professional, allied to the marketing logic that also blames the subject for his obesity. It is concluded that obesity is felt as a transgression of body norms in society and the world of work, as it results in feelings of inadequacy of obese subjects, manifesting itself as a form of occupational fatophobia
Hermeneutics and Obesity, Obesity Phenomenology, Obesity in Health ProfessionalsAbstract
This study aims to understand how health professionals mean obesity in their bodies. The narratives were obtained from a minimum script of questions about obesity allowing to deepen the theme in the view of obese and nonobese health workers working in a public health institution in Salvador, Bahia. Hans-George Gadamer's hermeneutic-dialectical thinking had inspired the analysis of narratives in an attempt to understand and interpret obesity guided by the phenomenological perspective. The study reveals frustrated experiences of weight loss whose suffering is intensified by the feeling of weakness to take care of themselves, the weight of the disapproving look of the other, also a healthcare professional, allied to the marketing logic that also blames the subject for his obesity. It is concluded that obesity is felt as a transgression of body norms in society and the world of work, as it results in feelings of inadequacy of obese subjects, manifesting itself as a form of occupational fatophobia.
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