Gift as a concept of socialization of Olubaje do Candomblé in RIDE - Distrito Federal
Candomble, Olubajé, Holy Food, Communal PracticesAbstract
In this article, the objective is to address the celebration of Olubajé from an experience lived in a Candomblé terreiro of the Integrated Development Region of the Federal District and Surroundings – Ride-DF. The methodology follows the path of the ethnographic approach and proposes to articulate the concept of gift of the anthropologist Marcel Mauss to the Olubaje party in the Candomblé of the Federal District, as a result of our field research of terreiros. In the terreiro lived in the Olubaje festival, there is an abundance of food that is offered free of charge to all those present, subverting the consumerist and utilitarian notion of current capitalism. It is also noticed that inside the terreiro in times of Olubaje, the Orisha that governs the house will not necessarily interfere with food choices. What will actually determine these choices are: the period, the parties and the orixás of each person. This lends even more to the conceptual explanation of communal giving without selfish intentions.
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