It is saint’s quizila: food experiences and food prohibitions in a candomblé angola


  • Joise Maria Rego Santos Universidade Federal da Bahia
  • Sandra Maria Chaves dos Santos Universidade Federal da Bahia



Food taboo; Religion; Candomblé; African Continental Ancestry Group


The study aims to contribute to the understanding of the meanings of food interdictions in the eating experiences of African descendants of Candomblé. This is a study with a qualitative approach in case study character, carried out in a candomblé house (terreiro) of cultural tradition Angolan-Bantu. The field research was based on semi-structured interviews directed to African descendants of Candomblé, in addition to field observations. For the analysis of the empirical material, content analysis procedures and comprehensive approach were used. The eating practices in Candomblé include interdictions called quizila based on the relationship that the food establishes with the nkisi, ancestral entities. The study characterizes collective quizila that fulfill meaning of group identity and collective and ancestral communion; the prophylactic quizila or food safeguards of rites of passage and personal quizila related to the spiritual paths of each individual. Somatic sensitizations promoted by the quizila in Afro-religious are evidenced, pointing to the action of ancestors for food. As last considerations, the study showed that the meanings of quizila permeate all the food living within the logic that reconciles with a worldview in which elements such as ancestry and the notion of immateriality transversalize the food relations. The attention to the quizila by the religious occurs in a sense of promoting the expected response of the nkisi through the proper use of food in liturgical rituals and in everyday life.


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How to Cite

Rego Santos JM, Chaves dos Santos SM. It is saint’s quizila: food experiences and food prohibitions in a candomblé angola. Rev. Alim. Cult. Amer [Internet]. 2022 Jul. 18 [cited 2025 Jan. 28];3(1):28-51. Available from:


