About the Journal
Editorial Guidelines
Raca seeks to give visibility to interdisciplinary studies and research to stimulate a synergistic understanding of macrostructural, historical, social, political and economic factors, and their consequences for choices, behaviors, habits, beliefs, taboos and food practices for peoples and human societies.
Focus and scope
The Raca journal receives original articles, articles on the review of the current literature, original essays, book/thesis and interview reviews, and research experience reports on topics of interest to the journal in English, Spanish and Portuguese.
The journal accepts paper submissions at any time (in continuous flow), and a notice is published only in the case of a special thematic issue (supplement or dossier), in which the receipt period has a fixed term.
It is a biannual publication.
Review process
Papers sent to the journal are submitted to prior evaluation (desk review) by the Editorial Board, which may refuse if it considers that they do not meet the journal's editorial line or the instructions for authors, or that they do not present potential for publication. In the next stage, the works are submitted for evaluation through the double-blind review process. If the two opinions issued by the evaluators are in disagreement, the editor will decide for a new round of evaluation; acceptance of the manuscript for publication; return to the author for reformulation or justified rejection to the authors. The evaluation criteria are topicality, originality and relevance of the topic, scientific consistency, and respect for ethical standards.
The journal conducts a rigorous screening of submitted articles, routinely checking for plagiarism
RACA is a full member and follows the ethical guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) regarding: Allegations of misconduct; Authorship and Author Contribution; Complaints and appeals; Data and reproducibility; ethical supervision; intellectual property; journal management; Peer review processes and Post-publication discussions and corrections.
Ethics in research involving human subjects
The articles that present research results involving human beings must observe the ethical principles contained in the Declaration of Helsinki (1964, reformulated in 1975, 1983, 1989, 1996, 2000, and 2008), of the World Medical Association; and comply with the specific legislation (if any) of the country in which the research was carried out, should be considered. Furthermore, they must contain a clear statement of compliance, such as the approval of the ethics committee, in the last paragraph of the methodology section of the manuscript.
Conflicts of interest
Authors are required to describe any potential conflict of interest, including political and/or financial interests associated with patents or ownership, provision of materials and/or inputs and equipment used in the study by the manufacturers.
Participation of authors and collaborators
The individual contributions of each author in the elaboration of the article must be indicated, following the deliberations of the ICMJE, considering the following aspects: 1. Conception and project or analysis and interpretation of data; 2. Writing of the article or relevant critical review of the intellectual content; 3. Final approval of the version to be published. 4. Be responsible for all aspects of the work in ensuring the accuracy and completeness of any part of the work. These four conditions must be fully met.
This section should be used to acknowledge, if any, institutions that somehow made it possible to carry out the research and/or people who collaborated with the study, but who did not meet the criteria to be co-authors.
Open Access Declaration
This journal offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle that making scientific knowledge available to the public provides greater global democratization of knowledge. The RACA uses Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0
Privacy policy
This magazine offers immediate free access to its content, according to the principle that making scientific knowledge available, free of charge, to the community provides a greater worldwide democratization of knowledge.
No submission, evaluation or publication fees will be charged.
The authors of articles published in RACA retain the copyright to their texts. The assignment of copyright is non-exclusive.
Repository Policy
La revista alienta a los autores a depositar sus artículos, preprints y datos de investigación en repositorios. Pueden optar por repositorios institucionales, específicos de disciplinas o multidisciplinarios.
Archiving and Interoperability
RACA uses the LOCKSS license and the OAI-PMH protocol (Open Archives Initiative– Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) to store and distribute journal content across library networks and digital repositories.